District Financials
The following financials are provided for review purposes:
DISTRICT FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS: See our Budgets and Financial Statements pages .
The Stonegate Village Metropolitan District has adopted seven separate funds, a General Fund to provide for operating and maintenance expenditures, swimming pool services and landscape maintenance expenditures; a Debt Service Fund to provide for payments on the outstanding general obligation bond debt; a Capital Project Fund to provide for capital improvements to be built for the benefit of the district and transfers to the general fund for fence replacements; a Water Fund to provide for the expenditures, debt service payments and capital improvements related to providing water services; a Sewer Fund to provide for the expenditures, debt service payments and capital improvements related to providing sewer services; a Water and Sewer Capital Project Fund to provide for water and sewer capital improvements to be built for the benefit of the district, bond issuance costs for the proposed bonds, and transfers to the Supplemental Water Resource Fund; and a Supplemental Water Resource Fund to provide for the operating and capital expenditures relating to additional water resources and transfers to the Debt Service and Water and Sewer Capital Project Funds.
The District’s accountants have utilized the modified accrual basis of accounting and the budget has been adopted after proper postings, publications and public hearing.
The primary sources of revenue for the District include property taxes, specific ownership taxes, recreation and landscape fees, cost sharing income, sustainability fees, utility billings and bond proceeds. In 2015, the District intends to impose a mill levy on all property within the District totaling 27.803 mills, of which .803 mills will be dedicated to the General Fund and the balance of 27.000 mills will be allocated to the Debt Service Fund.
Please note that all District records are public records and shall be made available for public inspection per the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), unless prohibited by the exceptions of Part 2 of Title 24, Article, C.R.S.
If you have any questions about the District services, projects and programs, you are encouraged to contact District Manager at 303-858-9909, or by mail at SVMD District Offices by mail at 10252 Stonegate Parkway, Parker, CO 80134.